The Importance of Competency It is a basic ethical standard in most professions and industries for one to operate within their field of competence. This is true in law, medicine, psychotherapy,...
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Beyond Disadvantage I have long been conscious of words, labels and how language can shape our reality. Initially my experience of labels was a personal one. Not just because of my sexuality, but...
Engineering Ethics Every profession has ethics that guides its members. Engineering as a profession has its ethics that are laid down rules to protect engineers and the public at large. One cannot...
Engineering Ethics – Section 5 Lawrence Kohlberg was an educator at Harvard University during the mid 1970s and was popular for his chips away at formative brain science. He directed numerous...
Engineering Ethics – Section 4 Moral Autonomy is simply the way of thinking which is administering or self-deciding, i.e., acting freely without the impact or bending of others. The ethical...
Engineering Ethics – Section 3 On occasion, the circumstances happen where one can't settle on quick choices as the ethical reasons clash. The ethical reasons can be rights, obligations,...